Relative Search 624-05-15-50-22
(Revised 1/15/10 ML #3206)
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If it is apparent that the child will not be returning home within 30 days, a relative search must be initiated. The relative search can be conducted through discussion with the family, child, or the use of US Search. Costs associated with US Search are paid for by Children & Family Services. The results, or status of the search, must be included in the initial case plan. Searching for and contacting relatives is an ongoing process. Caseworkers should be contacting relative resources to explore their ability to either be a placement resource or other ways the relative could provide connections for the child/children through the child’s stay in foster care.
If the location of the absent parent is unknown, the results, or the status of a search through the Federal Parent Locator services (FPLS*) – Child Support must be also included in the initial case plan (*See 624-05-15-41 for FPLS process.) If appropriate, efforts to locate and/or contact the absent parent should be made initially within 30 days of removal, prior to key decision points in the life of a case, and no less than once every three months.
A search for an absent parent does not have to be conducted in situations where the Child Support (good cuase) claim has been determined. (Claim is based on a fear of serious physical or emotional harm, either to the child or to the custodian, which in turn could be expected to reduce his or her capacity to care for the child.) A copy of the county social service board’s final decision that ‘good cause’ does exist and the basis for the findings must be included with the relative search documentation. The county social service board is required to review, not less than every 6 months, cases in which ‘good cause’ was previously found to exist. If it is found that circumstances have changed so that ‘good cause’ no longer exists, a search for the absent parent must be made immediately. Search efforts must be documented on the Absent Parent/Relative Search Record Form (SFN 772) Permanency Planning Committee Initial Report (SFN 902), or Permanency Planning Committee Progress report (SFN 903). It is recommended, for consistency, that the case file should contain a separate tab entitled “Absent Parent/Relative Search record,” and that the form is placed behind this tab.
The child’s case manager collects and e-mails pertinent information regarding the family to the regional supervisor. The information should be as complete as possible to enable a comprehensive search.
The following is a sample of the type of information required.
Child: Name, date of birth, social security number, address or last known address.
Parents: Name, date of birth, social security number, address or last known address.
Father: Name, including middle name if known, AKA, date of birth, social security number, occupation, last known address.
Mother: Name, including middle & maiden name if known, AKA, date of birth, social security number, occupation, last known address.
Add to this anything significant you determine may assist in locating relatives.
The regional supervisor e-mails the information to the search provider, and provides a copy of the request to Children and Family Services Division (CFS) for payment purposes. The regional supervisor e-mails completed search information to the case manager.
The case manager must document the results of the search (relatives considered, dates of contact, results of search, safety concerns, etc.). Also, requests and outcomes need documentation for purposes of determining and reporting on family placements or connections made for the child. Keep in mind the safety and appropriateness of the home, also documenting any issues that may rule out a potential relative home.
The search should be initiated as early in the case as possible, but no later than when it is determined that the child cannot return home. Results from the relative search can be available within an hour.
Regional supervisors may also request a criminal background check from the search provider.
Summary of responsibilities for the relative search and documentation:
Case Manager:
Collects relevant information and e-mails it to regional supervisor in a timely manner.
Continues to gather any further information regarding relatives.
Receives completed search information from the regional supervisor.
Documents all search information in the child’s case plan, including safety concerns or other issues that rule out certain relatives.
Regional Supervisor:
Receives the child specific relative information from the case manager.
Forwards the child’s relative information to the internet search provider in a timely manner.
Sends a copy of the search request to Children & Family Services Division for payment purposes.
Receives the child’s relative search information and transmits it to the case manager in a timely manner.
Children and Family Services:
Receives copy of child’s relative search request from Regional Supervisor.
Makes payment to the search provider upon completion of the serach and billing received by the provider.